Buddy Austin of TEA and Cary Norris of All my hats are dead teamed up to create this signet ring collection. Through a mutual appreciation of music, psychedelics and culture we were inspired to make this Owsley "Bear" Stanley, Grateful Dead and Versace collaborative piece.
For those who may not be familiar, Agustus Owsley Stanley III, created the Grateful Dead dancing bear design as well as the cutting edge Wall of Sound system that powered the Grateful Dead concerts and Acid Tests. He also was the chemist who was solely responsible for manufacturing 500 grams of LSD amounting to about 5 million psychedelic experiences in the late 60s. Some may not know but he also funded the Grateful Dead for many years, keeping the band moving forward financially before they became what they are today.
Each ring is hand sculpted by TEA. Buddy re-drew the original bearsace design created by All my hats are dead in order to be adapted to a hand sculpted jewelry application. He also made some minor adjustments changing the versace scarf to a double ouroboros and the bear sticking his dosed tongue.
Gianni Versace has been known in history as being one of the first designers to link fashion to the music world. He was friends with Tupac, Madonna, and Eric Clapton to name a few. Creating the ring based off the iconic Medusa Versace Symbol creates a full circle in the collaboration between TEA and All My hats are dead who both have integrated their love of music with fashion.
Sterling Silver Signet Ring, Hand Sculpted Versace logo with hints at the Grateful Dead, Owsley Stanley, Double Ouroboros, and LSD throughout the design. Also featuring TEA and All my hats are dead hallmarks hand engraved on the inside shank.
These are ready to ship!
Follow @allmyhatsaredead on IG and @thirdeyeassembly for more
AMHAD website - deadinthecity.bigcartel.com
P.S. We also offer a size adjustment for these up or down one whole size for $60. For example, if you order a size 9, you can get it in a size 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5 or 10. If you need a size adjustment, go ahead and move forward with ordering the ring and then send us an email at gems@thirdeyeassembly.com to adjust the size and take additional payment. Please allow up to 3 weeks for resizing.